
Homaro is a platform that makes it easy to create simple user polls, or Studies, to collect opinion data from participants. Participants choose from a set of Options according to your specified criteria and then provide a written explanation for their choice. Participants may also be asked to judge options based on a set of attributes and assign them scores.

Once a study has completed and collected responses from participants, the results are compiled and organized into charts and tables for analysis.

Creating Studies

  1. From the main dashboard, Click on the New Study button to create a new study.
  2. Complete the form with your study details:

    When creating a new study, enter in details such as: title, description, total number of participants, etc.

    Form Fields

    The name of the study.
    A brief summary of the study that will be shown to participants.
    Number of participants
    The total number of people that you would like to respond to your study.
    The specific set on instructions that you want your participants to follow, if any.

    Advanced Options

    Contains offensive content?
    If selected, it indicates that the study will expose participants to content that some may find to be offensive or objectionable.
    Rank all options?
    If selected, participants must give attribute scores for each option in the study. Otherwise, participants are only required to provide attribute scores for the options that they have chosen.
    Open-ended response required?
    If selected, participants must provide a short explanation for the choices that they have selected. Otherwise, such an explanation is optional.
    Selection Range
    The minimum and maximum number of options that a participant may select for their response.
  3. Click on the Add button under Options to create an option that participants may choose from. You may create a text, web link (URL), or image.

    You may add several options from which participants may select. Each option may also be ranked according to a set of attributes.
  4. You may optionally create attributes for which each participant must score for the options that they have selected. For example, you may ask participants to rate a slogan based on how "catchy" or "unique" it is.

Editing Studies

Before starting a study, you have an opportunity to review and make changes before publishing.

Once you are done creating your study, you'll have another opportunity to review your study, calculate estimated costs, and make additional changes before publishing. Cl

When you are ready to begin the study, you may do so by changing the status to Started. Once started, study details can no longer be edited.

Reviewing Reports

Response data are rendered in charts.
Results can also be displayed in tabular form.

As your study receives responses, you will be able to view feedback and analyze the data from the Study Results page. Selecting a report allows you to view statistics pertaining to the options selected and how each option's attributes were scored.

For each response, you may view the selected options, attribute scores, user feedback, and the participant's demographic information. The data are displayed in chart or tabular form.